Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Okay I'm really bored so I'm Gonna talk to everyone that has given up on me to update our (ahem) my blog and tell about my life and just so you know there are NO pics in this so if you are only getting on our (ahem) my blog to look at our (ahem) my pics and get upset at us (ahem) me to find out that we (ahem) I didn't post any... well guess what.... You need to get over it!!!! do something with yourself! GET A LIFE! KISS YOUR MOTHER WE (AHEM) I DON'T CARE LOL! btw this Chris.... And if you're still reading this then you didn't do what we (ahem) I told you.... GO NOW!! LOL JK


Mrs. T said...

I am issuing a disclaimer... I DID NOT POST THAT! My bored, half-witted number two son (and number four child overall) did that. I take absolutely no responsibility for that drivel he posted!

Anonymous said...

get a life??kiss your mother?? since i assume this is Chris posting this, i guess he's really bored the way Chris after you posted this did you go get a life and kiss your mom???(since you're SO bored and u suggested it?????) LOL JK

Anonymous said...

Chris...i think u need to get a life! Can i get an AmEn!!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Chew-it-up...did you kiss your mother???? and you should get a life... How about doing some school?? or you could clean your room!! :O lol


Mrs. T said...

Hmmm, clean his room... now THERE'S a novel idea. We might find some interesting things in there, like Amelia Earhart's plane, Waldo, Jimmy Hoffa...

Actually, the room's not that bad. He did kiss his mother, but getting a life? That remains to be seen1