Sunday, April 11, 2010

GUUUUEEESSS WHHAAAT!!!????!!!!?!?!?!

Ok by the over done title you should guess that my blog is up!


Anyways, you should check it out. The URL is, and if that's to much for you then just look at the list of blogs right here on Make sure you don't type Acloserlookwithchris otherwise you'll go to another website a created.... Yup I was blond for a second LOL.
Thanks so much guys I saw the comments and they were beyond awesome.

Peace and hope to see you on my blog.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hey people, can I talk to u guys for a sec?

Hey guys this is Chris. So I know It's been a while since i have blogged but the truth is, I keep forgetting to do so. Anyways, I have had a pretty rough time at church lately, some of the kids there seem to have pretty smart mouths (More so the girls than Guys... Crazy right) and I'll be truthful, I expected more, now I know what you're thinking "I bet I know who it was" and "that kid is always acting a fool" "It's that little Ethan kid right, He's always talking smack even though he can't talk yet" (LOL just kidding about that last part, sorry Ethan :P) but no those thoughts aren't true. I'm not going to say names because in the end you have to ask yourself, does it matter, and the answer is NO it does not. So my question for you guys is to ask yourself this one question, "Is what I'm about to say going to hurt the other person rather than help them". And if you are the person getting burned by someone ask yourself this question, "Is it worth fighting with this person and if so why". I know it's easier said then done and that we are always going to come across people that are immature and want to do nothing but tick the world off. (It's sad that most of those people are sitting in churches every Sunday and singing all over America). Anyways ask yourself that before blowing up. Leave me a comment telling me what you think and if you asked those questions. Oh before I forget, (this is like the 3rd time I've Edited this post haha) I'm thinking of starting my own blog and I need a title for it so guess what.... I need you guys to also leave a comment on what I should name it, nothing overly dorky please :). the blog will be about life and I want you guys to interact with me so I will ask some questions on whatever and I want you to leave a comment answering it. It will have videos and pictures and all that great stuff. Sounds simply enough right? You would think that wouldn't you.... lol

Later guys have a nice life :D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Okay I'm really bored so I'm Gonna talk to everyone that has given up on me to update our (ahem) my blog and tell about my life and just so you know there are NO pics in this so if you are only getting on our (ahem) my blog to look at our (ahem) my pics and get upset at us (ahem) me to find out that we (ahem) I didn't post any... well guess what.... You need to get over it!!!! do something with yourself! GET A LIFE! KISS YOUR MOTHER WE (AHEM) I DON'T CARE LOL! btw this Chris.... And if you're still reading this then you didn't do what we (ahem) I told you.... GO NOW!! LOL JK

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday, Bud-bud!

A lot of catching up to do, so let me start with the main event of today... who knew that Jordan would be born on a Wednesday night during a blizzard, two and one half months before he was supposed to arrive? Certainly not Dr. Leland or myself, especially after I had just been in to see him that morning, and, given that Jordan had tried to come six weeks before, we both were thrilled with the thought that Jordan had settled down for the final ten weeks. I guess he couldn't wait for Christmas!

I decided to post only more current pictures of him, because I still get misty eyed looking at how tiny he was in the past. Today, he's just a busy, talkative boy, who plays video games, gets on his brother's nerves, and is one of the biggest lights in our family.


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Happy birthday to our 'resident drama queen,' also known as 'Hurricane Lauren.' Chris named her that years ago, due to her ability to dramatically blow into a room, usually greeting us with "You'll never BELIEVE what happened!" We love you, Yah-Yah!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Harley Man!

Our next door neighbor has a 'really awesome' (Jordan's words) Harley Davidson, and he asked Jordan today if he'd like to sit on it for a minute. After asking me with a grin that stretched from ear to shining ear, Mr. Don helped him on, and showed him everything on it. Jordan obviously liked it -- A LOT!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Check this out!!!!!!

Sup this is Chris. So i want to be the 1st to let you guys know that i am about to add a NEW section in our (cough) my blog. Its called Review This Game! every friday you the reader will post a comment telling me a game you want me to review. I will also review a game every friday night. The games i can review are PS3, PS2, Wii, GC and DS games maybe 360 games if L or D would let me use their 360. I can also review pocketmodel games such as Pirates and tell you what pack sets are the best for your ships. I will rate them on a 1 to 10 rating .So this friday post a comment and I will review it next friday.

ps i might have video reviews as soon as my Mom's camcorder is fixed. C-ya l8r.